Protect Your Interest
There are many risks associated with importing from Asia. Unqualified suppliers can subject your supply chain to a variety of disruptions, from factory disasters and negative publicity to legal repercussions and quality issues.
Many importers and buyers understand the value of quality control inspections to verify product quality before shipment. But factory audits remain an undervalued tool among importers to evaluate suppliers and minimize their risk.
While audits often come at an upfront cost, the long-term value they provide can be tremendous. Factory audits can help you verify the legitimacy, trustworthiness and reliability of Jewelry Touch to limit risk in your supply chain.
Jewelry Touch already has the FAMA certificate, which is granted from Disney which can be trusted and save your cost. Other compliance or certification are available at client’s expense.
Disney factory ID: FAC-075055
The Disney, as one of the largest global purchasers, has prepared the International Business Conditions Program (ILS) to make it a safe, inclusive and corporate workplace where its own branded products are produced. Suppliers and factories are responsible for complying with the requirements of the ILS Program. To obtain a Disney license certificate, a FAMA audit must be applied.
It requires at least mandatory compliance with the Statute of Conduct, which is referred to as the minimum compliance standard in the audit, and to maintain such as Child Labor Force, Forced Labor , Discrimination, Serious Health and Safety Conditions etc.
Our Disney audit is performed by international recognized auditor – Insite.

Certificate No. JSASCN17382408
Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (Sedex) is a non-profit membership organization dedicated to improving ethical business practices in global supply chains.
Sedex’s factory audit standard is known as the Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA). SMETA audits are one of the most common factory audit standards in the world—Sedex currently boasts over 50,000 members.
SMETA audits include the following elements:
Universal rights covering the United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGP)
Management systems
Entitlement to work
Subcontracting and homeworking
Environment (shortened)
Labor standards
Health and safety

Mostly all products we handle are lab tested and subject to the type of product, the lab standard will vary.
Lab tests are made based on the USA California Prop 65 standards and EU REACH standards.
We also handle lab tests for different country standards if required.
100% of all child products are lab tested.
We use different lab and certification companies subject to the product or customer’s requirements.